Wednesday, April 24, 2013

"It's not that SERIOUS!"

     When you awaken this morning, you wanted to crawl back underneath the covers and pretend it was still night time. One million and one things have run a muck and you can not bare anymore.  As so you think that you cannot handle one more thing going wrong. Trust me it's not that serious!
After all can you number every strand of hair that is  upon your head, or can you bring death back to life?

     Whatever the situation that you face on a daily basis, no matter how traumatic-"IT'S NOT THAT SERIOUS!" We face a tremendous amount of uphill journeys', struggles, huge obstacles and perhaps life altering conditions during the course of a lifetime. Often-times we panic and loose control, because we seek to solve with all of our human efforts. However, if we would stop the panicking, analyze the situation, we could quickly determine the best resolve.

Hint: When a situation is out of our control and we have exhausted our of our natural resources-WE MUST SEEK THE ASSISTANCE OF HE WHO HOLDS ALL-POWER WITHIN HIS HAND.

     It is at that point the Universe shifts and the result is the pre-determined result from the beginning of time........       GOD!!!


  1. What uuuup!! I like this post! Coming at ya from!

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